🇮🇹 Rozvadov - Si sono qualificati in 58 al Day2 dal secondo flight di qualificazione dell’Ips Special Edition al King’s Resort di Rozvadov, in Repubblica Ceca dal buy in di 350 euro e una Prize pool garantita da 551.750 euro, compresi 5 ticket main event Wsop Europe.
Esce fuori il field israeliano con Shmuel Shaki al comando con 568.000 gettoni. Chip leader assoluto in attesa del Day1C che, mentre scriviamo, ha già superato il field di 241 entries di questo flight. Un altro israeliano, “Flix”, ha imbustato ben 515.000 gettoni ma, in mezzo, a guastare la festa, c’è il tedesco Aaron Brackmann per 550.000 chips.
Per trovare il primo italiano dobbiamo risalire a Giovanni Ciani che ha imbustato 258.000 chips sopra a Giuseppe Guida che ha totalizzato 192.000 gettoni su Giancarlo Beltrami per 173.000 chips e poi Giovanni Donno a 118.000 gettoni, Giovanni Grela a 106.000, Lorenzo Fiore a 89.000 e anche Pietro Buoncristiani penultimo a 60.000 gettoni.
In corso il Day1C con circa 250 players in gioco e tantissimi players usciti dal flight B che ci riprovano e hanno anche altri due flight di sabato per qualificarsi al Day2 di domenica.

🇬🇧Are 58 qualified on Day2 from the second starting flight of the Ips Special Edition at the King's Resort in Rozvadov, in the Czech Republic with a buy-in of 350 euros and 551,750 euros prize pool guaranteed , including 5 tickets for Wsop Europe main event .
The israelian field is on the top with Shmuel Shaki with 568,000 coins. He’s absolute chip leader, while we are writing, has already passed the field of 241 entries of this flight. Another Israeli, "Flix", bagged 515,000 coins, but second is the German Aaron Brackmann for 550,000 chips. To find the first Italian we have to go back to Giovanni Ciani with 258,000 chips over Giuseppe Guida (192,000) and Giancarlo Beltrami for 173,000 chips and then Giovanni Donno at 118,000, Giovanni Grela at 106,000, Lorenzo Fiore at 89,000 and Pietro Buoncristiani with 60,000 chips. The Day1C is in progress with around 250 players in the game and many players out of the flight B who try again and also have two other flights on Saturday to qualify for Sunday's Day2.
Unofficial chips count:
Shmuel Shaki TELAVIV Israel 568000
Aaron Johannes Brackmann BAD ELSTER Germany 550000
Flix RAMAT GAN Israel 515000
Vladimer Gigolashvili TBILISI Georgia 489000
Karel Hospodka CHODOV Czech Republic 439000
Simon Goldthorpe HAIFZ Israel 404000
Arda Vekiloglu IZMIR Turkey 394000
Petr Kubenka JESENÍK Czech Republic 388000
Robert Saffran STRALSUND Germany 349000
Adam Blazek ROKYCANY Czech Republic 343000
Nir Amar HAIFA Israel 330000
Diego Sverre Jasper Pedersen BRONDBY Denmark 325000
Samir Vujic STUTTGART Serbia 306000
Eyal Sade TEL AVIV Israel 292000
Ralph Koepke SRALSUND Germany 285000
Onkel Otto DARMSTADT Germany 278000
Giovanni Ciani SAN DONATO MILANESE Italy 258000
Rabbithill STADTSTEINACH Germany 257000
Pinchas Rebibo BEER SHEVA Israel 235000
Peter Miskei KALOCSA Hungary 235000
Fulvio Piero Sansanelli BRÄUNLINGEN Germany 225000
Yotam Bar Yosef NETANYA Israel 222000
Yaron Ashtam DIMONA Israel 203000
Jaromir Hanel ZVOLE Czech Republic 199000
Amir Cohen HERZELYAO Israel 196000
Giuseppe Guida POSIANO Italy 192000
Kristijan Cvar REGENSBURG Germany 188000
Michal Redzio WARSZAWA Poland 175000
Giancarlo Beltrami CASALMAGGIORE Italy 173000
Jan Le K VARY Czech Republic 162000
Shay Efraim Alfi ISRAEL Israel 157000
Arie Kliper ZICHRON Israel 149000
YODA800 UBSTADT-WEIHER Germany 147000
Guy Eddy A Sermeus COURCELLS Belgium 131000
Dominik Martan KARLOVY VARY Czech Republic 130000
Daniele Berardi DOGANA San Marino 130000
Pablo STROMBERG Germany 125000
Dr. T. KÖLN Germany 124000
Maciej Ludwik Kondraszuk WARSAW Poland 124000
Brockmann Henrik WIEN Austria 123000
Giovanni Donno ARBA Italy 118000
.mat MÜNCHEN Germany 118000
Liad Bezalel BEN SHEMEN Israel 116000
Peter Kuzma MICHALOVCE Slovakia 108000
Giovanni Grela RAGUSA Italy 106000
DM FRANKFURT Germany 99000
Sven Himberg RHEINSTETTEN Germany 92000
Lorenzo Fiore SEDRIANO Italy 89000
Yacov Eytan HOD HASHARON Israel 88000
Cinipulk DILLINGEN Germany 84000
Lulei Hu MILANO China 84000
Yitshak Zah Bahar JERUSALEM Israel 82000
Ofer Golko HAIFA Brunei Darussalam 79000
Yossi Eluz JERUSALEM Israel 71000
Jan Cerny BRNO-ZEBETIN Czech Republic 67000
Guy Noach SHOHAM Israel 65000
Pietro Buoncristiani SAN CASCIANO IN VAL DI PESA Italy 60000
Itai Laufer TEL AVIV Israel 24000