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IPS Rozvadov, 2.256 entries in attesa del turbo mentre al comando c'è il ceco Charski ed ecco il

Cesare Antonini

Aggiornamento: 28 feb 2022

Rozvadov - Prima di passare al redraw andiamo a vedere com’è andato l’ultimo flight G prima del turbo di stamattina alle ore 10 che definirà i numeri di entries totali per ora chiuso a 2.256 che dovrebbe essere già un record per il field italiano. Purtroppo tra i 97 players sopravvissuti sulle 672 entries (di cui 171 rientri), il primo italiano è Francesco Candelari con 653.000 gettoni, frutto di un’action ottima. E tutto ha preso spunto da una mano al tavolo con Tiziano Di Romualdo con Asso high, davvero di una difficoltà piuttosto alta. Ma al comando c’è il polacco Darius Charski che ha continuato a macinare piano piano i gettoni non senza prendersi rischi ma mettendole in mezzo senza paura. Quando era ancora sulle 700.000 chips ha chiamato i resti di un avversario con A quadri 10 cuori con 10 preso e flash draw nuts. L’oppo ha 6-7 di picche ed esulta alla presa dell’incastro al river che è un 5 ma di quadri e Charski gela l’avversario schizzando verso la chip leading.

Neck to neck a1.191.000 Adicted, player rumeno, rispetto ai 1.219.000 chips del chips leader polacco. Sopra il milione anche Ramon Chochola, ceco, con 1.044.000 chips.

Dopo Candelari, bene per gli azzurri Francesco D’Elia con 542.000 e Ernesto Iuliano, spesso Dealer ma anche player, con 501.000 chips, tutti e due autori un grande flight. Giuliano era anche più deep ma va bene così visto che la struttura torna due livelli indietro per il Day2.

Da segnalare ovviamente la presenza di Maria Lampropoulu che ha viaggiato sempre lungo la linea degli short stack ed è cresciuta nel finale forzando un po’ contro Ermanno Barile col quale c’era molta history. Prima l’italiano la azzoppa AA vs QQ e centra una Q al turn. Poi gliele ridà un po’ con Maria che, però, prende due piatti andando all in sempre al turn e facendo passare Barile. Alla fine chiuderà con 206.000 gettoni. “

Al comando del Day2, comunque, troviamo Alessio Liscia con 1.360.000 chips inseguito proprio da Charski e Adicted. Dopo il cl sardo il primo italiano è Guido Presti con 891.000 gettoni. Uno così difficilmente mollerà il colpo nel late stage.

Ecco tutti i dati:

First name Last name Nationality Chip count

Dariusz Robert Charski Poland 1219000

ADICTED Romania 1191000

Roman Chochola Czech Republic 1044000

KARLOS Poland 968000

Mike Strassburg Germany 912000

Zan Baranasic Slovenia 853000

Oliver Knoll Germany 825000

Nobody Germany 806000

Anh Do Czech Republic 774000

Marian Uharcek Slovakia 695000

Francesco Candelari Italy 653000

Kevin Guenther Germany 624000

Somphong Daoheuang Germany 550000

Salvatore Raffaele D Elia Switzerland 542000

Francisc Voidoc Romania 503000

Ernesto Giuliano Italy 501000

Husnu Salman Belgium 494000

Constantin Smintanca Romania 490000

Ermanno Barile Italy 490000

Raffaele Antonio Risconti Italy 487000

Fabio Rustica Italy 477000

Bubo Slovakia 476000

Hindren Yahya Khoshnaw United States 463000

Profish Germany 456000

Adam Kosiedowski Poland 432000

Mario Quagliozzi Italy 428000

Antuen Agalliu Albania 419000

Carmelo Romeo Germany 417000

Markus Maximilian Zick Germany 406000

Jiri Horacek Czech Republic 396000

Anton Lichvar Slovakia 388000

Andreas Karl Brunner Germany 387000

Leinad Germany 370000

MARK Austria 369000

Ciprian Zgimbau Romania 368000

Antsel Tzudik Israel 346000

Tom Faes Belgium 342000

Mirko Scotti Italy 334000

Fausto Franco France 322000

Andrei Bunea Romania 322000

Antonio Starace Italy 320000

Fatjon Mehmeti Italy 318000

Michal Riczak Czech Republic 313000

Thomas Joseph Eugene Jacob France 284000

Avraham Cohen Israel 282000

Giovanni Giorgio Papadia Italy 280000

Wolfgang Altenburg Germany 279000

Davyd Tsyfanskiy Ukraine 273000

Antonio Capoluongo Italy 271000

Degiorgi Massimo Italy 271000

Paolo Palmisano Italy 253000

Alexandre Jos Junghen France 249000

Simone Meloni Italy 246000

Ondrej Lon Czech Republic 239000

Nesrin Can Turkey 238000

Florian Egger Italy 235000

Dorjan Ushe Albania 232000

Vadim Arapan Moldova, Republic of 228000

Avi Chechik Israel 225000

Michael Dauvergne France 216000

Thibault Eric Azam France 216000

Agostino Galeazzi Italy 213000

Ozgur Leba Turkey 211000

Maria Konstanza Or M Lampropoulou Or L Greece 206000

Swen Gigl Germany 200000

Aigars Dambrans Latvia 200000

Tiziano Di Romualdo Italy 200000

Jaroslaw Rosinski Poland 199000

Karel Vesely Czech Republic 197000

Anatoly Chen Russian Federation 194000

Maros Mraz Slovakia 190000

Ivan Curic Croatia 189000

Francesco Galanti Italy 188000

Vincenzo Lo Monaco France 187000

Vincenzo Bortone Antigua and Barbuda 186000

Vincent Heitz France 183000

Luciano Modugno Italy 180000

Ottaviano Capellini Italy 176000

Tanguy Lorge France 161000

Avraham Shavit Israel 154000

Laurent Chiaramonte Italy 154000

Maxime Louis Windstein France 154000

Ruuudi Germany 150000

Pasquale Vinci Italy 147000

Dmitrij Nikolaevic Fadeev Germany 134000

Elem Jen Kubani Israel 127000

Dominik Helmut Weber Germany 127000

Oswald Niederkofler Italy 126000

Antonino Lagana Italy 124000

Aiwar Bidsan Germany 120000

Walter Endri2Zi Italy 119000

Sweetwolf Belgium 116000

Gil Arenstein Israel 86000

Vedran Buljan Croatia 84000

Shay Shmaryahu Israel 84000

Tullio Garofalo Italy 82000

Marek Jerzy Niedzwiedz Poland 54000

Il redraw:

First name Last name Nationality Chip count Table Seat

Alessio Liscia Italy 1360000 120 2

Dariusz Robert Charski Poland 1219000 82 7

Romania 1191000 126 6

Matous Houzvicek Czech Republic 1101000 98 3

Roman Chochola Czech Republic 1044000 105 2

Joao Carlos Azevedo Antonio De Almeida Portugal 1040000 108 6

Andre Jagusch Germany 1038000 128 1

Hrvoje Stipanovic Croatia 1028000 102 7

Poland 968000 114 6

Kelly William Kiser United States 965000 101 8

Mike Strassburg Germany 912000 97 6

Radu Andrei David Romania 907000 129 7

Guido Presti Italy 891000 131 2

Germany 861000 132 6

Gerardo Perna Italy 860000 95 6

Zan Baranasic Slovenia 853000 89 8

Chezi Zaig Israel 839000 134 8

Oliver Knoll Germany 825000 87 6

Uri Nemlich Israel 823000 132 5

Germany 806000 129 2

Markus Adrian Johanne Schmidt Germany 788000 126 1

Grzegorz Ireneusz Wyraz Poland 787000 84 6

Pasquale Braco Italy 787000 130 5

Anh Do Czech Republic 774000 111 8

Cristiano Ruiu Italy 760000 111 3

Luciano Capossela Italy 758000 129 6

Mehmet Aslan Germany 728000 135 6

Enrico Tratnotti Italy 726000 109 8

Azem Zulfikjari Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 723000 117 2

Andrea Ricci Italy 719000 81 5

Wojciech Adam Radomski Poland 718000 99 4

Adrian Strobel Germany 709000 90 5

Marian Uharcek Slovakia 695000 110 1

Anh Quan Nguyen Viet Nam 665000 116 5

David Dray Dery Israel 653000 123 6

Francesco Candelari Italy 653000 86 3

Marek Studeny Czech Republic 627000 96 2

Kevin Guenther Germany 624000 100 7

Martin Ilavsky Slovakia 619000 135 4

Grzegorz Tryba Poland 601000 104 7

Gheorghe Niste Romania 586000 94 2

Christophe Ammann France 585000 133 5

Germany 583000 90 3

Sebastian Ionut Mihai Romania 575000 83 7

Piotr Sadowski Poland 566000 125 2

Martin Fulka Czech Republic 563000 110 4

Maciej Ludwik Kondraszuk Poland 560000 113 8

Andrea Palazzesi Italy 558000 85 5

Juri Angelo Lombardo Italy 552000 120 8

Antonio Rutigliano Italy 550000 86 4

Somphong Daoheuang Germany 550000 128 7

Fragkiskos Vidalis Greece 550000 84 5

Philipp Hoellinger Austria 548000 112 1

Marcel Naethe Germany 545000 131 6

Salvatore Raffaele D Elia Switzerland 542000 127 2

Roman Ananiev Germany 537000 88 6

Antonino Intravaia Italy 533000 114 4

Pavel Patera Czech Republic 514000 100 4

Christine Wakim France 513000 126 8

Petr Kubenka Czech Republic 508000 80 1

Francisc Voidoc Romania 503000 89 5

Germany 503000 87 1

Stefan Beilhardt Germany 502000 85 3

Ernesto Giuliano Italy 501000 114 7

Gerhard Friedrich Rueeger Switzerland 495000 103 5

Husnu Salman Belgium 494000 132 3

Juerg Neuhaus Switzerland 492000 130 4

Constantin Smintanca Romania 490000 119 8

Ermanno Barile Italy 490000 99 7

Raffaele Antonio Risconti Italy 487000 101 6

Vladimir Valent Slovakia 485000 131 7

Roberto Mascaro Italy 482000 85 7

Fabio Rustica Italy 477000 134 3

Slovakia 476000 104 5

Roland Karl Pemsl Germany 470000 112 5

Evangelos Karydas Greece 464000 88 4

Hindren Yahya Khoshnaw United States 463000 102 8

Ralf Grenz Germany 461000 88 7

Luc Rapp France 457000 115 5

Germany 456000 83 4

Moschella Giacinto Luca Italy 455000 110 8

Bawar Sulaiman United Arab Emirates 451000 91 4

David Kolek Czech Republic 448000 120 4

Dominique Norbert Temming Germany 447000 96 8

Christoph Spoerri Switzerland 442000 112 2

Israel 440000 127 7

Gian Luca Berti Italy 434000 86 6

Adam Kosiedowski Poland 432000 98 8

Milos Nemeth Slovakia 431000 100 3

Mario Quagliozzi Italy 428000 116 2

Germany 422000 80 7

Witali Filinberg Germany 420000 89 4

Antuen Agalliu Albania 419000 124 1

Carmelo Romeo Germany 417000 82 8

Paolo Litrico Italy 410000 123 3

Shai Shalom Avitan Israel 410000 120 7

Markus Maximilian Zick Germany 406000 80 4

Germany 405000 112 4

Michail Jekimov Germany 404000 117 1

Nicola Di Fazio Belgium 404000 127 6

Martin Finek Czech Republic 397000 102 3

Jiri Horacek Czech Republic 396000 118 8

Constantin Stoica Romania 395000 97 8

Rene Moor Switzerland 388000 124 6

Anton Lichvar Slovakia 388000 97 3

Andreas Karl Brunner Germany 387000 96 1

Ben Gur Israel 386000 134 1

David Asquino Italy 385000 125 4

Rudolf Pavlovic Croatia 383000 114 2

Yoram Ohana Israel 382000 ssssssssd 6

Turkey 381000 126 4

Jens Peter Rinke Germany 381000 116 6

Nunzio Alessandro Bellomonte Italy 378000 127 1

Jordan Domini Berlier France 375000 116 8

Dominik Schummer Germany 372000 98 5

Jeremy Puempel Germany 372000 125 3

Germany 370000 91 2

Austria 369000 131 8

Ciprian Zgimbau Romania 368000 111 7

Ante Rakuljic Croatia 364000 85 8

Michail Kavouras Greece 363000 124 7

Karel Pelletschek Czech Republic 363000 95 2

Paul Josephus Wilhelmus Samuel Meurs Netherlands 361000 123 7

Sasa Jovanovic Serbia 360000 117 3

Patrick Wulf Germany 353000 111 2

Tomas Knespl Czech Republic 349000 130 6

Antsel Tzudik Israel 346000 112 8

Tsiiimigkas Vasileios Greece 344000 113 6

Tom Faes Belgium 342000 126 2

Georgia 341000 123 8

Franco Lasia Italy 341000 95 3

Arne Olaf Müller Germany 340000 124 2

Mirko Scotti Italy 334000 94 6

Thomas Feldmann Switzerland 333000 125 8

Germany 333000 87 7

Lulzim Hajdari Germany 331000 88 1

Peter Egger Italy 330000 102 5

Jan Bednar Czech Republic 330000 89 2

Rainer Gerhard Gamper Germany 330000 108 8

Michele Chiodo Italy 327000 90 2

Carmine Pescatore Italy 327000 84 3

Germany 326000 83 1

Fausto Franco France 322000 108 4

Andrei Bunea Romania 322000 125 6

Antonio Starace Italy 320000 130 8

Ogers Ademi Italy 320000 101 4

Fatjon Mehmeti Italy 318000 103 4

Christos Bakalis Germany 315000 104 8

Michal Riczak Czech Republic 313000 85 6

Martin Hanzl Czech Republic 312000 101 5

Roland Stefan Bucher Switzerland 309000 94 3

Germany 305000 129 4

Binak Sinanaj Belgium 305000 104 1

Antonio Scamarcio Italy 301000 99 3

Germany 299000 109 2

Marek Tatar Slovakia 298000 135 8

Marco Toralti Italy 298000 132 2

Jan Cerny Czech Republic 297000 128 6

Torsten Guerra Germany 296000 80 2

Steven Alfons Van De Moer Belgium 293000 131 4

Jomannes Gsuck Germany 289000 119 6

Vincenzo Imparato Italy 289000 129 3

Alfred Holzer Germany 288000 105 5

Yves Paul Ober Germany 285000 105 7

Thomas Joseph Eugene Jacob France 284000 84 2

Daniel Christian Herren Germany 283000 133 8

Avraham Cohen Israel 282000 95 8

Kruze Piotr Switzerland 281000 109 1

Giovanni Giorgio Papadia Italy 280000 115 1

Wolfgang Altenburg Germany 279000 81 8

Avi Cohen Israel 276000 91 8

Lorenzo Acampora Italy 274000 103 7

Fitim Metolli RKS 273000 96 5

Davyd Tsyfanskiy Ukraine 273000 117 6

Degiorgi Massimo Italy 271000 105 6

Antonio Capoluongo Italy 271000 135 1

Laszlo Dosa Hungary 267000 98 4

Germany 263000 119 5

Italy 263000 114 8

Lukas Matusky Slovakia 260000 99 8

Mario Hug Switzerland 258000 115 6

Milan Chaloupek Czech Republic 256000 133 1

Slovakia 254000 84 7

Paolo Palmisano Italy 253000 90 7

Alexandre Jos Junghen France 249000 123 5

Maurizio Lai Italy 248000 132 7

Pardeepkumar Sookoo Netherlands 247000 134 2

Simone Meloni Italy 246000 87 3

David Taborsky Czech Republic 245000 126 3

Martin Kuba Czech Republic 245000 94 8

Rutger Alexander Mari Sanders Van Well Netherlands 244000 81 7

Thomas Theurer Germany 244000 101 2

Salvatore Terdossi Italy 244000 128 2

Peter Hoclar Slovakia 244000 97 7

Czech Republic 244000 134 7

Florian Brauner Austria 243000 109 5

Lido Santucci Italy 242000 105 8

Alessandro Barda Italy 240000 116 7

Michael Hubert Gattinger Germany 239000 83 6

Ondrej Lon Czech Republic 239000 88 3

Nesrin Can Turkey 238000 129 1

Florian Egger Italy 235000 133 3

Jacek Skiscim Poland 234000 130 2

Dorjan Ushe Albania 232000 120 6

Renata Onodyova Czech Republic 229000 81 4

Vadim Arapan Moldova, Republic of 228000 109 3

Vladimir Stejskal Czech Republic 228000 82 2

Martin Tausch Germany 226000 110 7

Avi Chechik Israel 225000 113 4

Germany 223000 118 3

Lukas Klima Czech Republic 218000 82 4

Thibault Eric Azam France 216000 100 6

Giuseppe Ditaranto Italy 216000 113 3

Michael Dauvergne France 216000 110 2

Petr Kadlec Czech Republic 215000 117 4

Czech Republic 214000 100 2

Agostino Galeazzi Italy 213000 86 7

Andrej Racek Slovakia 212000 118 5

Germany 211000 86 1

Ozgur Leba Turkey 211000 91 6

Filip Dolezal Czech Republic 207000 115 2

Albert Fried Germany 207000 100 8

Maria Konstanza Or M Lampropoulou Or L Greece 206000 102 4

Andreas Loebel Germany 205000 110 3

Massimiliano Zanasi Italy 205000 118 1

Ivo Donev Austria 205000 86 8

Adir Zvi Jonasoff Israel 204000 123 1

Ivan Herz Slovakia 204000 105 4

Angelo Toni Bamberger Germany 202000 95 1

Swen Gigl Germany 200000 111 4

Steven John Machin Germany 200000 115 4

Aigars Dambrans Latvia 200000 87 5

Tiziano Di Romualdo Italy 200000 129 5

Veton Raka RKS 199000 95 4

Davide Calo Italy 199000 102 1

Jaroslaw Rosinski Poland 199000 119 2

Kirsten Eisenbeis Germany 198000 124 8

Karel Vesely Czech Republic 197000 108 3

Yuval Erez Israel 195000 83 2

Anatoly Chen Russian Federation 194000 126 5

Bruno Perez Italy 191000 80 6

Maros Mraz Slovakia 190000 118 2

Ivan Curic Croatia 189000 124 4

Francesco Galanti Italy 188000 128 4

Carmelo Battaglia Italy 187000 104 4

Vincenzo Lo Monaco France 187000 130 1

Vincenzo Bortone Antigua and Barbuda 186000 89 7

Antonio Russo Italy 184000 135 3

Vincent Heitz France 183000 115 7

Luciano Modugno Italy 180000 103 3

David Wiese Germany 176000 103 8

Ottaviano Capellini Italy 176000 88 8

Josef Snejberg Czech Republic 173000 135 7

Vasile Strugari Romania 171000 90 1

Filippo Giorgi Italy 170000 91 3

Bruno Kaufmann Switzerland 168000 89 3

Antonio Cinalli Italy 167000 87 2

Kristian Donev Austria 166000 133 4

Germany 166000 118 7

Teodor Popovic Slovakia 165000 84 4

Tanguy Lorge France 161000 82 1

Marian Kubista Czech Republic 161000 119 3

Spain 156000 90 4

Germany 156000 114 5

Avraham Shavit Israel 154000 85 1

Maxime Louis Windstein France 154000 112 6

Laurent Chiaramonte Italy 154000 97 1

Sergio Milia Italy 152000 99 2

France 152000 128 3

Osman Hussein Germany 151000 109 7

Germany 150000 94 4

Stefan Cekan Slovakia 150000 111 1

Armand Muratoglu France 148000 134 4

Walter Sinzinger Austria 148000 104 2

Pasquale Vinci Italy 147000 131 3

Francesco Senna Italy 146000 108 1

Tim Michael Johannes Gruber Germany 144000 101 7

Antonius Kambouris Germany 144000 98 2

Roberto Pettinato Italy 143000 89 6

Germany 140000 91 5

David Salamon Hungary 138000 127 8

Bartlomiej Muzacz Poland 137000 132 4

Dmitrij Nikolaevic Fadeev Germany 134000 81 1

Yoav Zilberman Israel 133000 108 7

Ladislav Cerveny Slovakia 132000 96 7

Tamas Geiger Italy 131000 87 8

Elem Jen Kubani Israel 127000 96 4

Dominik Helmut Weber Germany 127000 105 3

Oswald Niederkofler Italy 126000 80 5

Antonino Lagana Italy 124000 98 6

Aiwar Bidsan Germany 120000 114 3

Walter Endri2Zi Italy 119000 116 1

Belgium 116000 117 7

Alon Dor Israel 114000 119 7

Harald Petschnig Austria 108000 97 2

Ayse Esra Goezler Turkey 103000 82 3

Claudia Helene Frommer Germany 102000 113 7

Tien Tam Nguyen Czech Republic 96500 94 1

Gil Arenstein Israel 86000 133 6

Shay Shmaryahu Israel 84000 113 5

Vedran Buljan Croatia 84000 120 1

Tullio Garofalo Italy 82000 83 8

Avshalom Grama Israel 79000 82 5

Michaël Bua Belgium 76000 97 4

Klaus Heinrich Suhr Germany 73000 125 1

Filippo Maran Italy 71000 81 3

Nicola Graziano Italy 61000 103 6

Marek Jerzy Niedzwiedz Poland 54000 127 4

Rene Rose Germany 26400 111 6

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