Rozvadov - In attesa di un turbo pazzesco, ecco l’unofficial chip count del Day2 dell’Italian Poker Sport Summer Edition in corso di svolgimento al King’s Resort di Rozvadov.
Come detto nei flight precedenti al comando c’è il francese Housni con 1.131.000 chips ma l’Italia piazza Luca Piras e Mirco Zaccagna a quota 1 milione appena dietro la testa della classifica. Chissà se dal turbo riuscirà a uscire qualche nuovo top stack anche se difficilmente da questo tipo di flight si riesce ad accumulare gettoni per prendersi la leadership del count.
Anche Roberto Turrisi e Corrado Martinelli sono nella top ten.
Sono 75 gli italiani qualificati al Day2 su 351 qualificati al Day2.
Intanto il montepremi è a quota 570.152 euro inclusi cinque ticket per il main Wsop Europe e gli iscritti totali salgono a quota 2.728.
Ecco l’unofficial count del Day2 col redraw in attesa della con conclusione del turbo flight:
First name Last name Nickname Nationality Chip count Table Seat
Raphael Housni France 1131000 80 8
Luca Piras Italy 1059000 109 7
Mirco Zaccagna Italy 1003000 135 6
HANI Austria 860000 110 8
Roberto Turrisi Italy 840000 99 3
Corrado Martinelli Italy 822000 82 5
Gustau Flaquer Vila Spain 775000 98 6
Jeppe Mariegaard Drivsholm Denmark 763000 96 7
Shakal Germany 760000 111 2
chiKKita banAAna Israel 754000 95 2
Leonardo Sabatino Italy 722000 85 2
Karsten Rasmussen Denmark 713000 81 8
Thomas Feldmann Switzerland 701000 91 8
Rachid 0Ubellac Morocco 688000 109 6
Pepa Czech Republic 681000 100 3
Marius Constantin Iftimia Romania 676000 83 4
Marius Asanache Romania 676000 98 8
LAK Austria 669000 133 7
Yordy Bakker Netherlands 658000 112 8
Marius Alexandru Gicovanu Romania 652000 125 8
El-Gandulejo Spain 650000 104 7
Kroko2310 Germany 650000 113 5
Antonio Turrisi Italy 650000 136 4
Dave Kroon Netherlands 632000 84 4
Serdar Ucar Turkey 612000 135 7
Francesco Di Domenico Italy 610000 97 1
Dominik Martan Czech Republic 608000 81 3
Martial Diego Lavezzi France 606000 61 7
NOBODY-LeRoy Germany 602000 111 3
Neville Fitz Jim Netherlands 600000 127 7
Dennis Kuepke Germany 591000 96 3
Di Martino Antonio Italy 580000 114 6
Mr. Miyagi Germany 576000 114 1
Robert Julian Verkaar Netherlands 574000 94 4
Dennis Krusch Germany 572000 92 8
Barry Donovan Ireland 569000 110 2
Steffen Endres Germany 569000 125 6
Martin Ivanov Georgiev Bulgaria 565000 130 4
Carmela Marzano Italy 557000 97 5
Yi Lin Luxembourg 554000 128 1
MHD Czech Republic 548000 111 7
Andreas Joachim Alwin Grill Germany 540000 116 6
Stephan Bernhard Schaeuble Germany 534000 119 8
Karim Karuia Germany 533000 113 1
Amine Aouri France 528000 95 1
Baldelli Fabian France 526000 84 1
Karlovarský Král Czech Republic 525000 89 4
Vincenzo Vecchio Italy 519000 108 3
Sergiu Cornea Romania 511000 136 1
Harald Tamegger Austria 507000 102 1
Marcus Skowronek Germany 507000 126 6
David Thierry Foucault France 505000 101 8
Bruno Jean-Pierre Englebert Belgium 501000 114 2
Emil Lukac Slovakia 500000 85 4
Silviu Baltateanu Romania 499000 120 5
Przemyslaw Krzyszto Szymanski Poland 499000 126 4
8888 Germany 497000 121 1
Ettore Balestri Italy 495000 83 6
Stefan Scherrer Switzerland 494000 112 2
Mario Charamza Slovakia 488000 123 6
Weddy73 Germany 486000 133 2
Nicola Dilluvio Italy 486000 86 4
Zigigi Georgia 482000 118 1
Selim Oulmekki France 478000 135 3
Gianluca Cammarata Italy 477000 61 2
Nicolae Datcu Romania 477000 99 7
Levent Sakir Greece 471000 123 7
David Mas Fernandez Spain 471000 115 8
Sandro Pitzanti Netherlands 470000 83 5
Carsten Barth Germany 469000 116 1
Markus Giesen Germany 457000 105 2
Yasin Turgut Turkey 456000 104 3
Ertan Yilmaz Turkey 456000 129 2
Andrei Aremescu Italy 453000 102 7
Mourad Tounnouti Netherlands 452000 112 1
Salvatore Fedele Italy 450000 90 2
Oxymiron Romania 446000 119 1
Randee Clybouw Belgium 445000 109 1
Anton Michlmayr Austria 442000 118 3
Zhong Chen Netherlands 438000 108 4
De. Rob Pakistan 432000 83 3
Antonio Crocetta Italy 428000 99 6
Sebastian Ciprian Kovaci Romania 426000 82 3
Andrea Montanari Italy 424000 115 4
Kajan Kesawan Germany 424000 83 8
Ralf Heinrich Fawer Switzerland 422000 112 7
Thomas Wegscheider Austria 422000 113 2
Sergiu Covrig Romania 415000 120 2
Viktor Waal Germany 415000 94 5
Vladimir Yuriev Saraliev Bulgaria 415000 111 5
Bartlomiej Muzacz Poland 413000 98 5
Ezio Maria Fenocchio Italy 408000 81 6
Cedric David D Glineur Belgium 405000 94 8
Jan Georgios Joergensen Denmark 404000 95 7
Thomas Maier Germany 403000 165 2
Florian Gürtler Germany 402000 98 2
KoelnerKeller Germany 402000 80 1
Baran Germany 401000 136 8
Tiziano Di Romualdo Italy 400000 134 2
Salvatore Raffaele Delia Switzerland 394000 85 6
Augustin Iancu Ratiu Switzerland 393000 84 6
Behros Dawud Germany 393000 92 3
Dominik Englhardt Germany 393000 117 1
Andreas Thomas Gondrom Germany 392000 61 3
Federico Cipollini Italy 386000 80 7
thetheoofpoker Germany 375000 114 7
KALKO Germany 366000 99 5
Benedikt Sebastian Schonauer Austria 366000 97 6
Lampropoulos Konstantinos Greece 362000 96 6
Luca Caposeno Italy 361000 110 6
Eduard Schmidt Germany 361000 61 1
Djamel Ouaret France 360000 150 1
Soufiane Maxime Messadek Belgium 359000 92 6
Guillaume Claude Bonnet France 358000 110 1
Lucian Ovidiu Abrudan Romania 358000 96 5
Jonathan Dami Aldebert France 356000 84 8
Vishal Sanjay Shyamnarain Netherlands 355000 113 6
Peter Ralbovsky Slovakia 354000 128 2
Giuseppe Pusceddu Italy 352000 106 1
Vlad Ionut Mare Constantinescu Romania 349000 130 2
Irina Maria Datcu Romania 348000 151 6
Boardercolin Germany 347000 116 7
Alessandro Campedelli Italy 346000 97 4
Abdelghani Finti Italy 345000 124 3
Marco Antonio Natalino Germany 343000 126 8
LORD MULLIGAN Germany 341000 86 8
Edvin Osmani Albania 341000 118 2
Raphael David Pelzers Germany 340000 117 7
Christian Georgescu Austria 340000 134 4
David Albert J Tealman Belgium 339000 116 5
Vincent Verdickt Belgium 339000 103 7
Jamie Belinda Wierda Netherlands 338000 123 5
Dumitru Marius Sarbu Romania 338000 127 2
Muharrem Caglayan Gurlu Turkey 338000 118 5
GETSB Germany 338000 136 7
Remko Bandsma Netherlands 336000 89 1
Maurice Belgium 335000 101 3
Michael Kukkukk Germany 333000 134 1
Arturo Sannino Italy 333000 121 5
Mark Breuer Germany 331000 86 1
Aliriza Misirlioglu Germany 330000 90 7
August Schlegl Austria 328000 106 4
Stefan Kofoed Denmark 326000 127 5
Andrej Isjurow Germany 324000 82 2
Jorden Verbraeken Belgium 324000 89 2
Giovanni Martinelli Italy 324000 130 6
Andrea Roner Switzerland 324000 166 4
Mlaďas Czech Republic 322000 130 5
Alexandru Moraru Romania 321000 91 4
Giancarlo Beltrami Italy 320000 125 7
Vincent Etienne Maurice Julien Guillon France 318000 165 8
Marco Leigheb Italy 317000 126 3
Peruzzi Andrea Italy 317000 125 5
Daniel Marcos Jimenez Germany 317000 125 1
Noodles Germany 316000 111 6
Ciprian Paunescu Romania 315000 127 6
Vito Roberto Barone Italy 313000 108 7
Michael Olivier Gobbe Belgium 312000 151 4
Faab Switzerland 311000 127 1
Stagliano Giovani Italy 308000 151 3
Lukas Klima Czech Republic 308000 102 5
Andy Tran Switzerland 306000 128 3
Richard Chris Lenoir France 301000 121 8
Petr Hanzalius Czech Republic 300000 100 8
Tomas Knespl Czech Republic 300000 117 2
Alex Greece 298000 92 1
Tekman Germany 296000 135 1
Niels De Jong Netherlands 294000 121 3
Marcello Miniucchi Italy 294000 91 2
TICKET Germany 293000 91 1
Ionut Olarita Romania 292000 85 3
Antonio Albano Italy 290000 100 2
Alexandre And Erbs France 289000 109 4
Kiril Dimitrov Yordanov Bulgaria 288000 132 8
Batman Slovakia 288000 115 7
Ralph Koepke Germany 287000 61 4
Nunzio Vanoncini Italy 286000 95 6
Leonardo Mauro Italy 286000 117 3
Martin Bezuch Slovakia 285000 102 3
Marek Blasko Slovakia 285000 129 3
Denis Gergoc Switzerland 285000 129 8
Raimondo Pittau Italy 284000 124 1
Ivan Levar Croatia 283000 119 2
Jacek Pawel Podpora Poland 283000 101 1
Michael Frandsen Denmark 281000 112 5
Danilo Tempesta Italy 281000 115 2
Robby 54 Germany 276000 89 3
LinaLove Germany 275000 130 1
Janja Italy 274000 91 6
Filip Jurga Slovakia 270000 126 1
KARLOS Poland 270000 116 3
Michael Jai Blancafort Michel Germany 269000 105 4
Petr Fungac Czech Republic 267000 131 6
Uwe Dietzinger Germany 263000 119 6
Remo Grechi Italy 262000 98 3
Adrian Ionescu Romania 260000 100 6
Dennis Mercier Netherlands 255000 90 4
Ciro Prevete Germany 252000 119 3
Sorin Petre Radulescu Romania 250000 166 5
Massimo Armenio Italy 250000 123 3
Francesco Fiore Italy 248000 151 8
Goran Obradovic Austria 247000 132 1
Cristian Ciuperca Romania 244000 129 6
Giuseppe Fracasso Germany 242000 86 3
Wim Ben F Verhaegen Belgium 240000 100 7
Jens Christian Hansen Denmark 239000 118 7
Ivo Donev Austria 238000 126 2
Franco Lasia Italy 234000 165 1
Levin Remy Orug Netherlands 233000 87 4
Darko Konrad Germany 231000 87 7
Giuseppe Dessi Italy 229000 86 5
Miquel Riera Gaja Spain 228000 87 8
Agostino Pellegrini Italy 225000 133 3
Angelo Medico Italy 225000 104 8
Nicola Celiberti Italy 224000 150 7
Christian Guida Italy 223000 131 1
Simone Lago Italy 223000 120 6
Daniel Sulz Germany 222000 133 6
Marco Parolin Italy 222000 101 7
Francois Munsch France 222000 116 8
Vasile Tica Romania 222000 132 2
Guido Dal Lago Italy 221000 105 7
Corrado Micheli Italy 221000 165 4
mexxess Switzerland 220000 88 7
Mattia Festa Italy 220000 124 2
Matin Mokaram Dori Iran, Islamic Republic of 219000 106 2
Martin Petkov Ganchev Bulgaria 216000 124 7
Daniel William Bushell United Kingdom 216000 124 4
Andrea Galan Italy 215000 133 5
Fabio Casavecchia Italy 215000 103 6
Markus Neumann Austria 214000 105 5
Franck David Jacques Tubiana France 214000 88 5
Herbert Andreas Hillebrand Germany 211000 103 2
Ceylan Candemir Germany 208000 103 1
Francesco Senna Italy 207000 127 8
Catherine Hanna France 207000 98 4
Jan Eric Gustaf Pettersson Sweden 206000 61 8
Marco Schmitt Germany 206000 85 1
Martin Smetak Czech Republic 205000 151 2
Max Wind Netherlands 204000 88 3
Vincenzo Bortone Italy 204000 80 4
Victor Aubeso Blancas Spain 202000 132 7
fabiolous Germany 202000 131 5
Florian Lebong Germany 201000 104 4
Rachid Benamar Germany 201000 134 3
Cheesburger Italy 198000 86 6
Jasmine Schuster Austria 196000 104 6
Zizzi Giuseppe Italy 196000 88 6
Dino Budisa Croatia 195000 150 3
Matei Alexandru Lupascu Romania 193000 128 7
Antonio Lombardo Italy 192000 120 3
Cristian Grecu Romania 189000 106 8
Claudio Patrick Wullschleger Switzerland 187000 130 7
Silvano Caretti Italy 185000 136 2
Francesco Papagno Italy 184000 95 5
David Patrick Perreau France 184000 125 4
Markus Wilde Germany 184000 115 3
Mourad Falfoul France 184000 95 8
Madalin Suditu Romania 184000 102 2
Marc Noergaard Jensen Denmark 183000 104 1
Pedro Rios Fernandez Spain 182000 128 5
BLOM Netherlands 182000 101 2
Carlo Pedersoli Germany 180000 88 1
Nicholas Muscat Meng Denmark 179000 105 1
Marcel Olah Germany 176000 99 8
Alexander Karle Austria 175000 118 6
Jay Dino Belgium 174000 166 3
Rick Sanchez Turkey 173000 108 6
Markus Reichart Germany 173000 103 8
Shafeeq Ahmad Anwar Germany 173000 102 4
Linda Huber Austria 171000 109 8
Jan Krnac Czech Republic 171000 92 4
Vittorio Di Troia Italy 170000 94 7
Angelo Bos Netherlands 169000 129 4
Alexander Erhard Mayr Germany 167000 123 1
Marian Lai Slovakia 163000 83 2
Heuschen Corentin Belgium 162000 121 4
Ouicem Gadacha France 161000 131 7
Jonas Brand Germany 161000 96 8
Yan Hue China 160000 166 1
Jazzie Boy Luca Hoebe Netherlands 160000 117 8
Riccardo Sarti Italy 160000 97 8
Daniel Novak Slovakia 156000 131 3
Robert Rudolf Rohr Germany 156000 150 2
Erni Burtscher Austria 155000 110 5
Salvatore Panzera Italy 155000 133 4
Oleh Shkapenko Ukraine 154000 112 4
Laurent Thien Van Severen Belgium 154000 165 3
Ferhat Yilmaz Germany 152000 89 6
TURTLEMAN Switzerland 152000 135 4
Eros Rossi Italy 151000 111 8
Yurii Nesterenko Ukraine 150000 150 4
Torsten Sebastian Riedl Germany 150000 100 5
Renato Poppi Italy 149000 99 2
Uwe Theodor Matthias Germany 148000 97 3
Paolo Francesco Meriggigli Capra Italy 146000 82 6
Moritz Urbanski Germany 145000 81 5
Anamaria Roxana Hemmert Germany 145000 113 4
Oliver Hauck Germany 145000 84 2
Stefan Mezei Germany 144000 87 3
Tim Van Kemenade Netherlands 142000 80 2
Christoph Andreas Cajochen Switzerland 141000 109 2
Adam Nedbal Slovakia 140000 114 4
Fabrice Claud Blanche France 140000 114 3
Ekber Sanioglu Turkey 139000 82 8
Yves Paul Ober Germany 139000 94 1
Nouri Germany 134000 80 5
Stephan Holten Germany 132000 120 8
Enrico Bove Italy 130000 128 6
Mac Donald Germany 130000 91 7
Murat Ates Turkey 129000 135 5
Namir Mousa Austria 129000 132 5
Francesco Procopio Italy 127000 90 1
Hrajem4fun Slovakia 125000 105 8
Angel Marinov Popov Bulgaria 125000 129 1
Claudio Piovera Italy 122000 151 5
Abel Saavedra Dalmau Spain 119000 115 1
Duplo Germany 119000 165 6
Giuseppe Bruno Italy 118000 106 7
ARIC 69 North-Macedonia 116000 90 6
Torsten Schlesier Germany 115000 117 6
Maciej Ludwik Kondraszuk Poland 110000 166 6
Alberto Panzeri Italy 110000 132 6
Gaby Koeman Netherlands 109000 101 4
Martin Scherzer Austria 107000 110 7
Anatolii Halca Romania 106000 106 3
Sebastian Kuolt Germany 104000 131 4
Bahattin Eser France 103000 96 2
TomJerry Germany 103000 103 5
Michael Adam Czech Republic 101000 166 7
Guenter Hilka Germany 100000 121 7
Salvatore Brignone Italy 100000 87 6
Wicquart Nikolas Belgium 98000 119 5
Nicola Sasso Italy 98000 134 6
Jan Kasper Czech Republic 93000 134 8
Martin Bomba Germany 91000 108 2
Mohammed Arrouk France 87000 120 1
David Urban Slovakia 87000 123 2
Pavol Szetei Slovakia 83000 150 5
Stefan Alexandru Drusca Romania 81000 136 3
Generosa Landriscina Italy 77000 89 8
Catalin Irinel Dumitrascu United Kingdom 77000 90 5
Reinhold Josef Dona Austria 76000 87 1
Burtininkas Lithuania 75000 113 8
Mephisto Germany 74000 124 8
Grzegorz Tryba Poland 73000 82 4
Paya Hervas Spain 73000 85 5
Gilles Nigro Switzerland 60000 92 2
Samir Johan Sayeh Belgium 54000 84 3
Aleksandar Hristov Georgiev Bulgaria 54000 88 2
Remy Augustin M Dandoy Belgium 51000 81 7
