Qualify now on 💻 #PartyPoker for one of the largest and best value live tournaments of this winter! The💰€1 Million Euro GTD #Million2018 that will take place in 🎲 Perla Casino 🇸🇮 Slovenia. Online satellites on PartyPoker: You can win your seat in this tournament for cheap by playing one or more online qualifiers that will run on 🌍 PartyPoker.com All satellites will have a buy-in of $45 + $5 and 1 #Million2018 Main Event ticket will be guaranteed. The tickets will grant a seat in Day1A of this colossal tournament. Online satellite schedule: Date Time Buy-in 😎Wednesday, January 24th 8 P.M. $45 + $5 😎Sunday, January 28th 8 P.M. $45 + $5 😎Wednesday, January 31st 8 P.M. $45 + $5 😎Sunday, February 4th 8 P.M. $45 + $5 All players will start with 3,000 chips and late registration as well as re-entries will be possible for the first 80 minutes.