🇮🇹Rozvadov - E’ ancora israeliana la chip leading del Day1E, l’ultimo flight di qualificazione per il Day2 di oggi (anche se manca il turbo di stamattina dalle ore 10), domenica 26 maggio, di IPS Special Edition organizzato da EuroRounders insieme al King’s Resort a Rozvadov, con Ran Shahar che imbusta 575.000 gettoni e rimane al comando nonostante l’ultimo colpo di giornata perso contro Ondrej Lon, runner ip all’Ips Rozvadov novembre 2018, che pesca un Jack con QJ contro l’AK dell’avversario. Ad inseguire il tedesco Elias John Scott con 568.000 chips e poi una coppia di italiani, Gianluca Giannoccaro a 541.000 chips e Egzon Krasniqi con 535.000 chips.
L’Italia ha invaso anche questo flight con tantissimi qualificati in un Day2 che, per ora, vede in gioco 384 giocatori su 1.502 entries di cui 308 rientri. Garantito quasi coperto con il turbo ancora da giocare.
Dicevamo degli italiani, che sono tantissimi e vanno consultati tutti nel count qui sotto. La percentuale dei nostri players portati e qualificati da EuroRounders, in attesa del turbo, è di un buon venti percento sul field totale.
Sempre in attesa del flight F turbo, al comando del count aggregato, troviamo l’israeliano Itai Laufer con 800.000 gettoni. Una leadership assoluta. Il migliore dei nostri è Gianluca Giannoccaro nella top ten con 541.000 chips.

🇬🇧 Rozvadov - The chip leading of the Day1E is still Israelian, the last qualifying flight for Day2 today, Sunday 26 May, of IPS Special Edition organized by EuroRounders with King's Resort in Rozvadov, with Ran Shahar who bags 575,000 chips and remains in charge despite the last shot of the day lost to Ondrej Lon, runner up at Ips Rozvadov November 2018: QJ vs AK and Jack on the flop. Elias John Scott follow with 568,000 chips and then two Italian players, Gianluca Giannoccaro 541,000 chips and Egzon Krasniqi with 535,000 chips.
Italy has also invaded this flight with many qualified players on a Day2 that, for now, sees 384 players in play on 1,502 entries and 308 re-entries.
We were talking about the Italians, who are many and must be consulted all in the count below. The percentage of our players brought and qualified by EuroRounders, waiting for the turbo, is a good twenty percent on the total field.
Still awaiting the flight F turbo, at the command of the aggregate count, we find the Israeli Itai Laufer with 800,000 tokens. An absolute leadership. The best of our team is Gianluca Giannoccaro in the top ten with 541,000 chips.
Unofficial chip count:
Ran Shahar Israel 575000
Der Jamaikaner Germany 568000
Gianluca Giannoccaro Italy 541000
Egzon Krasniqi Italy 535000
David Nemes Hungary 529000
Gabriele Giannico Italy 514000
Paolo Ostunj Italy 509000
Peter Ralbovsky Slovakia 413000
Attilio Fabrizo Mucciaccio Italy 403000
Matthias Steinberg Germany 375000
Amando Balsalobre Garcia Spain 351000
TightFun Germany 351000
Francesco Paolo Intini Italy 334000
Pascal Rene Roumier France 333000
Maged Aziz Egypt 304000
Tiziano Di Romualdo Italy 302000
Juraj Poliacek Slovakia 274000
Wojciech Janusz Wyrebski Poland 270000
Franco Lasia Italy 263000
Marco Siciliano Italy 263000
Benedetto Andrea Sutera Italy 262000
Andrea Tropea Italy 255000
Gianluca Boi Italy 246000
Simona Marino Italy 239000
Enrico Linke Germany 233000
Vincenzo Bortone Antigua and Barbuda 229000
Aleksandar Tomovic Serbia 228000
Frédéric Bléhaut Belgium 225000
Juergen Heidl Germany 222000
Tobias Ilmer Italy 221000
Super Mario Belgium 220000
Sofie Thijs Belgium 217000
Nicola Naclerio Italy 217000
Borislav Ivanov Yosifov Bulgaria 217000
Goofy Germany 216000
Antonio Notarnicola Italy 192000
Ondrej Lon Czech Republic 187000
Balazs Galotti Toth Hungary 186000
Addario Aldo Italy 185000
Giovanni Battista Gaiulli Italy 185000
Jozef Mlcoch Slovakia 181000
Francisc Voidoc Romania 180000
Alessio Fratti Italy 175000
Deathman Germany 173000
Vittoria Di Troia Italy 173000
Martin Czech Republic 171000
Lukasz Prejs Poland 164000
Guenter Deveric Croatia 164000
Antonio Conte Italy 157000
Tiziano Bertella Italy 155000
Thomas Wettengl Germany 154000
Mark Breuer Germany 153000
Zurab Ejibia Georgia 150000
Salvatore Cavallo Italy 150000
Guglielmo Sestito Italy 149000
Mike Germany 147000
Anil Ataoglu Germany 146000
Sven Gruenwald Germany 144000
Dragoslav Timarac Serbia 144000
Lukas Zaskodny Czech Republic 142000
Setki Ajruli Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 142000
Nunzio Vanoncini Italy 140000
Sharon Dvir Israel 140000
Sergej Vladimirov Belarus 137000
Matan Ben Shimon Israel 137000
Jiri Horacek Czech Republic 136000
Daniele Caldarola Italy 133000
Lior Ovegash Israel 130000
Ami Cohen Kabrit Israel 128000
Josef Pfister Austria 126000
Orca Germany 124000
Sergio Rotano Italy 121000
Gianluca Marini Italy 119000
Erik Jahnsen Germany 117000
Haim Hizky Israel 111000
Stefano Carta Italy 110000
Martin Ivanov Georgiev Bulgaria 103000
Petr Rychly Czech Republic 100000
Constantino Marrochella Italy 100000
Mathias Buch Germany 100000
Georges Chehade Lebanon 98000
Domenico Cosentino Italy 97000
Raffaele Tagliaferri Italy 95000
Giuseppe Rago Italy 95000
Mario Montagna Italy 94000
Nazzareno Buoninfante Italy 93000
Bi Jan Maurer Germany 91000
Michele Gaudioso Italy 90000
R.gutti Germany 87000
Ali Karahasan Germany 82000
Lorenzo Fiore Italy 80000
Yonni Fleishman Israel 79000
Ralf Grenz Germany 78000
Pietro Scicutella Italy 77000
Cristian Oliver Geczi Romania 75000
Daniel Feldmann Switzerland 74000
Thomas- Lutz Germany 74000
Erik Rozhynskyi Ukraine 74000
Aurelian Avram Romania 73000
Katharina Zolda Germany 73000
Niccolo Badocchi Italy 72000
Svajunas Seduikis Lithuania 60000
Rosario Dalessio Italy 58000
Rudi Michel G Mulders Belgium 57000
Claudio Livrieri Italy 55000
Giovanni Stagliano’ Italy 53000
Francesco Dtoquaftoi Italy 53000
Jacek Skiscim Poland 52000
Ludek Dytrt Czech Republic 46000
Gerardo Salese Italy 40000
Elad Edri Israel 38000
Jaime Sanchez Salvador Spain 31000
Roland Ernst Reuter Germany 17000