1230 entries / 123 left

☀️ Frenetic day for the GC Pokerroom staff; from the end of Day1J to the start of Day2C there were only fifteen minutes, but the times were respected and the schedule of appointments was punctual.
9️⃣7️⃣ players took their seats at 17.00 for this third filter day between the qualifying days and the Final Day.
6 of them come from Day1F played on Thursday, 18 from 1G on Friday, from Saturday 19 and 15 respectively from Day1H and 1I, finally the largest slice, 39, from J Speed this afternoon. Only 55 had the right to join the 68 already qualified (44 Day2A, 24 Day2B ).

The bay is now in turmoil, the group is formed: 💃 123 dance, the precise 10% of the incredible field of 1230 entries recorded in this alpine stage of the 🦈 poker shark.
123? Many yes, but all with full pockets, all In The Money, for all a slice of the gargantuan total prize pool of Chf386.100, with a minimum prize of Chf800 and the dream of a first coin of 💝 70.000 Swiss chocolates.

The Final Day is scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday 13 March 🕒 H.15:00. The TV Final Table curated by ♠️ SpadeTV won't be missing. Don't miss the Redraw - it will be available on this same page before the long awaited 🏁 Start.

Before leaving you to today's and tomorrow's chipcounts, we take the opportunity to anticipate that locations and dates have been chosen for the next appointment 🦈 Sharkbay, if you are curious, take a look 👀 at the upcoming events section of this portal.
Daily Pictures
Some shots of the final moments of this day, between counting and bagging
Unofficial Chipcount FinalDay
Rank - Country - Name - Nickname - Chips
1 🇨🇭 Ramon Barmettler 1,568,000
2 ZIDANE (private) 1,221,000
3 🇮🇹Tommaso Serratore 1,135,000
4 Ernat Muric 1,079,000
5 🇷🇴 Silviu Anitei 973,000
6 🇨🇭 Thivakaran Sundaralingam 932,000
7 🇱🇮 Pokerbanane (private) 873,000
8 Matthias Krust 860,000
9 Eni (private) 858,000
10 🇨🇭 Lukiii (private) 847,000
11 🇨🇭 Ramon Lampert 818,000
12 🇮🇹 Claudio Di Vitto 800,000
13 Emil Abadgiev 798,000
14 Besnik Lalinovci734,000
15 🇹🇷 YldirimAlper 721,000
16 🇨🇭 Stefan Stamenkovic 715,000
17 🇨🇭 Muhamedsejdi Ramadani 692,000
18 🇨🇭 Dritan Kaleci 685,000
19 🇨🇭 Pepino (Private)674,000
20 🇩🇪 Fatih Pamukci 639,000
21 🇨🇭 Pokershumi (private) 630,000
22 🇦🇹 Andreas Mages 630,000
23 🇨🇭 Dominic Oertle628,000
24 🇨🇵 Said El Yousfi 601,000
25 🇨🇭 Doodel (private) 597,000
26 🇨🇭 Winti (private) 591,000
27 🇽🇰 Egzon Krasniqi 586,000
28 🇮🇹 Emidio di Lorenzo 572,000
29 Floori (private) 561,000
30 🇨🇭 Q9♦️ (private) 555,000
31 🇨🇭 Space G 534,000
32 🇩🇪 Torsten Winkelbauer 532,000
33 Penge (private) 527,000
34 🇺🇦 Yana (private) 514,000
35 🇨🇭 Bleron Maliqi 511,000
36 🇨🇭 Nicolas Simonet 496,000
37 Filufa (private) 492,000
38 🇩🇪 Anonym (private)490,000
39 Robin Scheidegger 488,000
40 🇨🇭 Bingo4Bongo 486,000
41 🇮🇹 Daniele Lunario 479,000
42 🇨🇭Silvan Boesiger 477,000
43 Jorge Turienzo 471,000
44 🇨🇭Thanh Le 459,000
45 🇨🇭 Florian Breitschmid 458,000
46 🇵🇹 Carlos Henningsen 455,000
47 🇩🇪 Beyer Tim 446,000
48 🇵🇱 Gregor 440,000
49 🇹🇷 O.G.Pageka 436,000
50 🇵🇱 Sebastian Marzec 414,000
51 🇮🇹 Claudio Baldini 413,000
52 Sascha Messmer 410,000
53 🇧🇦 Leon17 409,000
54 🇬🇷 Stefanos Spanidis 400,000
55 🇩🇪 Leroy 397,000
56 🇩🇪 Panda 396,000
57 🇨🇭 Roberto Gerosa 388,000
58 🇫🇮 RENE RENDIC 379,000
60 🇮🇹 Givi 370,000
61 🇨🇭 BRAVEHEART 355,000
62 Paco Fromaigeat 342,000
63 🇮🇹 Giuseppe Fallica 340,000
64 🇨🇭 Raphael Cudina 339,000
65 🇨🇭 ALAIN FERRARI 337,000
66 🇨🇭 Charles Georges Calfelis 306,000
67 Pierpaolo Lamanna 299,000
68 🇪🇦 AKA PAPI 291,000
69 Ljubodrag Milojevic 291,000
70 🇨🇭 Pingu 289,000
71 Joerg Schneegass 289,000
72 Bratislav Tonic 286,000
73 🇹🇷 CHAMPION 1905 284,000
75 🇨🇭 Christoph Cajochen 270,000
77 Tuk Tuk 253,000
78 🇨🇭RETO WALDMANN 252,000
79 🇮🇹 ANTONIO ALBANO 246,000
80 🇨🇭 Cbo 245,000
81 🇮🇹 Davide Villani 244,000
82 🇽🇰 Kastriot Jupa KO 242,000
83 Miky 240,000
84 Boris Pranjes 223,000
85 Jonatan Kula 216,000
86 🇨🇭 Peter Wetli 215,000
87 🇷🇴 Taticulor 208,000
88 Andreas Fürst 206,000
89 Murat Yilmaz 194,000
90 🇨🇭 Nokia3210 188,000
91 Keole 181,000
92 🇨🇭 Suter Michael 181,000
93 🇨🇭 Jannick Schöb 177,000
94 🇱🇹 Devid Berlin174,000
95 🇨🇭 WHY NOT 171,000
96 🇨🇭 DANIELE VOGEL 170,000
97 🇮🇹 Roberto Begni 170,000
98 🇭🇺 Matyas Racz 167,000
99 DAVTIAN MARAT 157,000
100 ROBIN 155,000
101 🇨🇭 ROMAN LENDI145,000
102 Nico Frenn 144,000
103 🇨🇭 BP 135,000
104 🇦🇹 Agnes L'Allemand 134,000
105 🇨🇭 ERIC CRAMER 131,000
106 🇱🇮 Steffl Walter 130,000
108 🇭🇷 YENOMON 122,000
109 🇩🇪MAGG JACK 122,000
110 🇮🇹 STEFANO IOLLI 120,000
111 🇮🇹 ANTONIO CHIAFALA 110,000
112 🇨🇭 FRANCESCO PIZZO 105,000
113 🇸🇰 TIBOR KONCZ 94,000
114 AMAR BEGOVIC 94,000
115 🇮🇹 Giuseppe Di Taranto 94,000
116 🇨🇭 Nicolas Schnoz 93,000
117 🇩🇪 Heiko Schwalm 92,000
118 🇨🇭 Manfred Mueller 91,000
119 🇮🇹 Mustang 89,000
120 🇨🇭 Asdren Berisha74,000
121 🇩🇪 Wolfgang Kruschack69,000
122 🇦🇹 MARIO HEISSMANN 53,000
123 🇩🇪Pancho 45,000
*PAY ATTENTION the chipcount is unofficial and builded by what the players wrote in their bags.
Chipcount Day2C
Rank - Name - Nickname - Country - Chips
1 Ramon Barmettler CH 1,568,000
2 Ernat Muric 1,079,000
3 Thivakaran Sundaralingam CH 932,000
4 Matthias Krust 860,000
5 Eni 858,000
6 Claudio Di Vitto IT 800,000
7 Muhamedsejdi Ramadani CH 692,000
8 Dritan Kaleci CH 685,000
9 Fatih Pamukci DE 639,000
10 Floori 561,000
11 Torsten Winkelbauer DE 532,000
12 Penge 527,000
13 Bleron Maliqi CH 511,000
14 Filufa 492,000
15 Robin Scheidegger 488,000
16 Bingo4Bongo CH 486,000
17 Daniele Lunario IT 479,000
18 Silvan Boesiger CH 477,000
19 Florian Breitschmid CH 458,000
20 Carlos Henningsen POR 455,000
21 O.G.Pageka TR 436,000
22 Sebastian Marzec PL 414,000
23 Claudio Baldini IT 413,000
24 Leon17 BIH 409,000
25 Leroy DE 397,000
26 Givi IT 370,000
27 Paco Fromaigeat 342,000
28 Giuseppe Fallica IT 340,000
29 Raphael Cudina CH 339,000
30 Charles Georges Calfelis CH 306,000
31 Pierpaolo Lamanna 299,000
32 Ljubodrag Milojevic 291,000
33 Pingu CH 289,000
34 Joerg Schneegass 289,000
35 Bratislav Tonic 286,000
36 Davide Villani IT 244,000
37 Kastriot Jupa KO 242,000
38 Boris Pranjes 223,000
39 Jonatan Kula 216,000
40 Andreas Fürst 206,000
41 Murat Yilmaz 194,000
42 Suter Michael CH 181,000
43 Jannick Schöb CH 177,000
44 Devid Berlin LT 174,000
45 Roberto Begni 170,000
46 Matyas Racz HV 167,000
47 Nico Frenn 144,000
48 Agnes L'Allemand AT 134,000
49 Steffl Walter FL 130,000
50 Giuseppe Di Taranto 94,000
51 Nicolas Schnoz CH 93,000
52 Manfred Mueller CH 91,000
53 Asdren Berisha CH 74,000
54 Wolfgang Kruschack DE 69,000
55 Pancho DE 45,000
*PAY ATTENTION the chipcount is unofficial and builded by what the players wrote in their bags.
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