With 111 players left on 167 entries the turbo Day1E closed just before the start of day2 Ips grand Final. The chip leader is Antonio Alves, from Portugal with 318,000 chips, who praises his idol Cr7! He followed closely Matiaz Vogrinez with 284,000, then Simon Magister at 247,000 and then Della Ventura with 222,000 chips. Other notables that have found the qualification in the turbo flight: Andrea Fossati 160,000, Salvatore D'Alia to 177,000, Marco Genti 196,000, Angelo Morrone 115,000, Paolo Fantini 106,000, Giovanni Socci 100,000, Max Pescatori 85,000 , Roberto Coser 69,000 and many others.
Starting flights entries:
Day1A: 79
Day1B: 198
Day1C: 349
Day1D: 341
Day1E: 167