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🇩🇪 Kooresh Shafaatian wins the 51st IPS

Writer's picture: Stefano AtzeiStefano Atzei

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Entries 3874 / Left 9

In the end, the German Kooresh Shafaatian won or rather overcame, the 51st edition of the Italian Poker Sport. He does so buoyed by Lady Luck who takes him by the hand right from the start of the final day and never lets go: one after the other, almost all the finalists had to deal with him:

"It was a marvelous tournament from start to finish and I must admit that I was quite lucky today," said the winner hot on his heels. "I also have my merits and I think I played well.

The IPS seems to be my tournament, I had already finished fourth a couple of years ago and this time I managed to finish even earlier. How will I celebrate? With my friends from the poker club where I usually go to play, it will be a great joy for everyone!"

The Numbers

This time the count stopped at 3874 generating a €1,260,854 prize pool, not a new record but still a lot for the 2,905 single players who showed up on this penultimate weekend of August here at the King's Resort in Rozvadov.

After 9 qualifying flights (10 if we also count Day1 played in Prague) the 30 finalists showed up today at 2 pm sharp to try and reach the coveted final table.

The 9 finalists

Seat Player Stack (in millions)

Seat 1 - 🇫🇷Kevin Guy Clement. 9.8M

Seat 2 - 🇬🇪Merab Meladze 13.8M

Seat 3 - 🇩🇪MACKMONEY 25.9M

Seat 4 - 🇩🇪Kooresh Shafaatian 64.9M

Seat 5 - 🇩🇪Oender Yildrim 20.3M

Seat 6 - 🇨🇿Michael Adam 6.8M

Seat 7 - 🇮🇹Marc Pedevilla 17.1M

Seat 8 - 🇮🇹Marco Di Persio 16.7M

Seat 9 - 🇨🇿Jakub Chmelensky 16.7M

Final Payout

1ST 189 650 € + ME WSOPE ticket

2ND 101 750 € + ME WSOPE ticket

3RD 69 000 € + ME WSOPE ticket

4TH 49 800 € + ME WSOPE ticket

5TH 40 200 € + ME WSOPE ticket

6TH 32 200 € + ME WSOPE ticket

7TH 24 600 € + ME WSOPE ticket

8TH 17 400 € + ME WSOPE ticket

9ТН 13 279 € + ME WSOPE ticket

Streaming link

To live-stream and relive all the excitement of the final table click on this link.

Michael Adam is the 9th classified

Blinds 400K/800K, ante 800K

Di Persio opens from UTG (stack 16.7M) with K♣️ Q❤️, Michael Adam goes all in from SB with K♠️ 10♣️ (stack 3.4M)

(pot 8.4M) Flop: Q♠️ 8❤️ 8♠️ 5♦️ 6♠️

For Adam a €13,279 prize + ME WSOPE ticket.

Kevin Clement ends in eighth place

Blinds 500K/1M, ante 1M

Shafaatian (stack 75M) opens from UTG2 with K♦️ K❤️, Clement from BB with 4 big blinds goes all-in with A❤️ 9♦️ calls Chmelensky from SB with K♠️ Q♠️ (stack 30M), Shafaatian 4-bet shoves and passes SB.

(pot 15.4M)Board: 7♠️ 4♠️ 9♠️ 3❤️ K♣️

Shafaatian takes off while Clement has to settle for €17,400 + ME WSOPE ticket.

Di Persio out in 7° posizione

Blinds 500K/1M, ante 1M

Di Persio opens from HJ (stack 14.9M), Meladze with 3BB from SB passes A♦️ 8❤️ and Shafaatian from BB defends with J♠️ 10♠️ (stack 85BB)

(pot 5.5M) Flop: 7♣️ Q♠️ 8♠️ - Check- call for Shafaatian on Di Persio's 2.3M c-bet

(pot 10.1M)Turn: 10♦️ - Shafaatian checks, Di Persio goes all-in for a pot size bet and Shafaatian calls

(pot 31M)River: 9♠️ - Di Persio plays to 59% but his opponent takes his and condemns him to 7th place.

Marco di Persio wins a €24,600 prize + ME WSOPE ticket.

Merab Meladze is out in sixth place

Blinds 500K/1M, ante 1M

Meladze goes all-in with K♠️ 6♠️ from BTN with only one BB behind, both MackMoney from SB with 10♦️ 9❤️ and Shafaatian from BB with 4❤️ 2♦️ call.

Check to check until the river on the board K♣️ 5❤️ 7♣️ J♠️ Q♦️, Meladze exits in 6th place and MackMoney wins the pot.

For the Georgian €32,200 + ME WSOPE ticket.

Double out: MACKMONEY (5th) and Oender Yildrim (4th)

Blinds 600K/1.2M, ante 1.2M

MACKMONEY (pictured above) goes all-in for 10.6M from the CO with 6♦️ 6❤️, Oender Yildrim (pictured below) from the SB with 9♦️ 9❤️ also goes all-in for 13.6M, and Shafaatian finds himself very comfortable from the BB with K♠️ K❤️ calling both.

(39.8M) Board: K♣️ 2❤️ 10♦️ 2♠️ 9♠️

Shafaatian takes down two in one go and flies even higher in the count. For his two opponents, MACKMONEY and Oender Yildrim, 5th and 4th respectively, two cash prizes of €40,200 + ME WSOPE ticket and €49,800 + ME WSOPE ticket.

Marc Pedevilla is the third classified

Blinds 800K/1.6M, ante 1.6M

Pedevilla decides to go all-in from BTN with A❤️ 4♣️ (15BB stack), Jakub Chmelensky from SB opts for a re-shove (30 BB stack), Shafaatian passes.

(pot 52.4M) Board: 6♣️ K♣️ 3❤️ 7 J❤️

Marc Pedevilla has to be content with the bronze medal and a €69,000 prize + ME WSOPE ticket.


Blinds 1M/2M, ante 2M

🇨🇿Jakub Chmelensky (55BB) and 🇩🇪Kooresh Shafaatian (66BB) are playing for the heads-up.

🇨🇿Jakub Chmelensky

🇩🇪Kooresh Shafaatian

Shafaatian is the new champion, Chmelensky runner-up

In hand 269 comes the epilogue: Chmelensky goes all-in for 39 blinds with K♦️ Q♦️ and Shafaatian calls with A♣️ 9♦️ (stack 43BB)

Board: 9♣️ 10♠️ A❤️ 10♣️ 10♦️

Shafaatian wins the trophy and first place, Chmelensky can still be satisfied with second place.


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