Entries 780 / Left 41

At the end of the 23rd level of play at the Perla Resort's main poker room, Day2 of the ReMida Poker Team came to an end, with 780 entries taking 41 survivors to the final day who will be competing for a €33,000 first coin tomorrow.
The best of all was David Testen (photo below), who at the close of the envelopes could boast a stack of 3,230,000 chips, after starting with around 350,000 at the beginning of the Day.

What the chip leader said
"I practically managed to tenfold the stack, I'm very happy with the way things went. I had a lucky rush in which I won three hands in a row which allowed me to quickly move up in the count.
The field is quite affordable and both the tournament structure, which is very playable, and the format is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, however, I'll be playing alone because I didn't take part in any teams."
The Top 10
David Testen's excellent performance was followed by that of Francesco Perrupato of Team Sportbull Skill, second in chips with 2,625,000. Provisional third place for Day1 chipleader Alessio Liscia of Team I sardi di fine stagione (2,535,000).
Fourth and fifth place for Marco Tortora (2250000, from Team Golden Gate 1) and Federico Anselmi (2,080,000, from Team Scerminators).
Next were Giovanni Di Benedetto (ReRaise Black,1,895,000), Mubarek Durmiśi (Jokerstars,1640000) Andrea Darduin (LPC Cesar Club, 1,580,000), Massimo Pierluigi (Argonauti,1,555,000) and Antonio De Lucci (Insieme Per Caso, 1,505,000)
La Top 5 dei Team
Team Scerminators took the lead with 85 points, led by Alessandro Scermino who unfortunately abandoned the troop right in the last stages of Day2, as did Nicola Cappellesso who unlike him found elimination far from the prize zone. In the running, in addition to Federico Anselmi, are Roberto Roberti and Gianmarco Martini.
In second place with 75 points is another trio, that of ReRaise Black from Barletta, which takes Giovanni Di Benedetto, Michele Di Palma, and Danilo Paciullo to the Final Day, with Giuseppe Corrale and Angelo LaPalma already eliminated.
Provisional third position (tied with fourth) for Team Insieme Per Caso, which, however, will have only one representative on the Final Day, Antonio De Lucci. His companions in fact, Nicola Masellis, Giuseppe Trapani, Nunzio Santafede, and Choi Kyung are already out.
Sharing the third step of the podium with 55 points is the only survivor of Team Sportbull Skill, Francesco Perrupato, second in chips in the provisional count.
The fifth and sixth place are tied (50 points) for the Sardinians at the end of the season, with Alessio Liscia and Giuseppe Dessì still in the running, and the Piumati Poker team, with sole survivor Bruno di Petta holding up the flag
Here is the provisional ranking
1. Scerminators 70
2. JokerStars/Reraise Black 65
3. Insieme per caso/Sportbull Skil 55
4. I sardi di fine stagione 50
5. Piumati Poker Team 50
Unofficial Chipcount e Seat Redraw
Pos Name Surname Chips Table Seat
1.TESTEN DAVID 3230000 24 3 2.PERRUPATO FRANCESCO 2625000 29 1 3.LISCIA ALESSIO 2535000 23 4 4.TORTORA MARCO 2250000 25 6 5.ANSELMI FEDERICO 2080000 30 1 6.DIBENEDETTO GIOVANNI 1895000 30 3 7.DURMIŠI MUBAREK 1640000 25 5 8.DARDUIN ANDREA 1580000 23 8 9.PIERLUIGI MASSIMO 1555000 29 3 10.DE LUCCI ANTONIO 1505000 24 2 11.PIRAS RENZO 1490000 25 4 12.BARNABO LUIGI 1420000 30 5 13.SILVESTRIN GIORGIO 1335000 23 2 14.SPINOSA ANDREA 1330000 29 5 15.ATTORNI ROBERTO 1170000 24 8 16.PACIULLO DANILO 1085000 25 9 17.NIKI PRELA 1070000 30 6 18.CEGLIA DAVIDE 1060000 23 7 19.ADANI MAICOL 1055000 29 4 20.SANTORO MARTINO 915000 24 4 21.STURZO TONINO 900000 25 7 22.CUZZUCOLI DOMENICO 890000 30 2 23.SOCCI GIOVANNI MARIA 880000 23 5 24.KMET MATJAŽ 875000 24 7 25.MORALES ALESSANDRO 875000 29 2 26.GABRIEL ANDREAS CHRISTIAN 870000 30 4 27.STACCIOLI EMANUELE 860000 25 2 28.DI LUCCIA COSTABILE 830000 23 6 29.DIPALMA MICHELE 825000 29 7 30.LOVIN SORIN ADRIAN 740000 24 5 31.DI PETTA BRUNO 705000 23 1 32.SERRAPICA FLAVIO 670000 30 8 33.CAMPEDELLI ALESSANDRO 650000 25 3 34.DESSI GIUSEPPE 605000 29 6 35.TUSCANO VERONICA 600000 24 1 36.CANDURA MARCO 585000 29 8 37.TEDESCHI GIUSEPPE 565000 25 8 38.NANNINI ALESSANDRO 560000 30 7 39.PERONE BARNABA 550000 23 3 40.NEGRISOLO ADRIANO 510000 24 6 41.DITO CARLO 335000 25 1
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