Entries 780

The ReMida Poker Team here at the Perla Resort in Nova Gorica ended at 11 pm after an ICM deal. A battle that lasted three days and saw the Day2 chip leader, David Testen, triumph after an ICM deal of 6, thus spreading the official payout.
The payout after ICM deal
Pos 2 - David Testen €22,500
Pos 4 - Adrian Lovin Sorin €12,000
Pos 5 - Alessandro Morales €12,000
Pos 6 - Andrea Spinosi €13,300
Pos 8 - Giovanni Socci 20.000€
Pos 9 - Andrea Darduin 16.500€
The Official Payout
€ 33.000
€ 20.000
€ 15.000
€ 12.000
€ 9.200
€ 7.100
€ 5.350
€ 4.200
€ 3.300
Scerminators team winners
As for the Teams, the winning team was the one captained by Alessandro Scermino and composed of Federico Anselmi, Nicola Cappellesso, Gianmarco Martini and Roberto Roberti. For them a €20,000 prize without having a single member at the final table but with 4 ITM players.
Here are the final team rankings
1. Scerminators 85
2. Sportbull Skill 70
4. JokerStars 65
5. The crew 65
6. LPC Cesar Club 60
8. I sardi di fine stagione 50
9. Piumati Poker Team 50
The tournament
Started under the banner of Alessio Liscia and Federico Anselmi, the latter able to close a straight flush already in the early stages of the Day by exceeding 3 million chips, the tournament continued for 6 hours until reaching the final table of 10.
Neither of them managed to reach it and David Testen, already chipleader at Day2, managed to keep the head of the ranking, arriving at the final act as undisputed chipleader.

And now let's review, elimination by elimination, the highlights of this final table!
It begins!
Blinds 100K/200K, Ante 100K

Martino Santoro immediately took the lead with two showdowns won out of two played. Left with 1.1 BB he was forced to go all-in on the first hand with K-Qs and was called by A-K. Board 10-9-4-Q-7 and he comes back to breathe.
Two hands later he found himself all-in with A-T against Q-Q of the chipleader, David Testen. The board reads K-Q-5-J-8 and the Olympia member doubles up again!
Instead, it was Alessandro Morales, who played a flip against Francesco Perrupato's A-J < 7-7 and gave up a large portion of his stack to his opponent, remaining with less than 10 BB.
Perrupato himself, however, has to succumb 9-9 < Q-Q against Giovanni Socci, who raises to 4.5
The situation after the first hands
Pos 1 - Francesco Perrupato 4.1 M
Pos 2 - David Testen 15 M
Pos 3 - Martino Santoro 2.5 M
Pos 4 - Adrian Lovin Sorin 4.6 M
Pos 5 - Alessandro Morales - 1.4 M
Pos 6 - Andrea Spinosi - 4.2 M
Pos 7 - Matja Kmet - 1.8 M
Pos 8 - Giovanni Socci 4.5 M
Pos 9 - Andrea Darduin - 5.8 M
Pos 10 - Marco Candura 2.6 M
Francesco Perrupato is the 10th classified
Blinds 100K/200K, Ante 100K

Perrupato shoves from UTG for 3.34 M Giovanni Socci calls from BTN and the blinds fold.
At showdown K♠️ K♣️ for Socci A♥️ Q ♥️ for Perrupato.
Board: 3♠️ Q♣️ 8♦️ 7♠️ 7♣️
Francesco Perrupato is the first eliminated at this final table for €2,500, an elimination that also costs dearly in terms of the team, since with his exit the "Scerminators" mathematically win the team ranking for a total of €20,000.
Matja Kmet exits in 9th place
Blinds 100K/200K, Ante 100K

To wait too long is a sin in this game and Matja finds himself automatically all-in with 4-2 off, against Candura's A-Js for less than a BB.
The board does not smile on him and Matja has to settle for €3,300.
In the mull, Alessandro Morales, who remained short and is now back up to 10 BBs, makes up some ground.
The situation at the moment:
Pos 2 - David Testen 13.5 M
Pos 3 - Martino Santoro 850 K
Pos 4 - Adrian Lovin Sorin 4.7 M
Pos 5 - Alessandro Morales 1.8 M
Pos 6 - Andrea Spinosi 3.2 M
Pos 8 - Giovanni Socci 11 M
Pos 9 - Andrea Darduin 13 M
Pos 10 - Marco Candura 1.1 M
Martino Santoro is the eighth classified
Blinds 125K/250K, Ante 250K

Santoro's time also arrived, having miraculously remained in the running up to this point. After his all-in comes that of Andrea Spinosi (3.2M stack) and following Socci's fold, Andrea Darduin also joins the party.
At showdown (pot around 8M)
Andrea Darduin: A♠️ K♥️
Andrea Spinosi: A♦️ A♥️
Martino Santoro: 3♠️ 3♣️
Board: 4♣️ J♥️ 7♠️ K♦️ 7♣️
Spinosi's Aces hold, Martino Santoro closes 8th and Andrea Darduin loses a small portion of his stack.
Marco Candura exits 7th
Blinds 125K/250K, Ante 250K

New round new run and Candura, left very short, has to put with Q♣️ 7♠️ from BB on the opening with Q♦️ J♣️ of Socci.
The board reads Q♠️ 6♦️ 8♥️ 8♣️ 7♥️, Socci cashes the pot and Candura closes seventh.
The players pause to discuss an ICM deal.
The situation at 6 left:
Pos 2 - David Testen 13.7 M
Pos 4 - Adrian Lovin Sorin 3.9 M
Pos 5 - Alessandro Morales 3.9 M
Pos 6 - Andrea Spinosi 5.4 M
Pos 8 - Giovanni Socci 11.6 M
Pos 9 - Andrea Darduin 8.5 M
David Testen wins ReMida Poker Team after an ICM deal
Blinds 125K/250K, Ante 250K
With six players remaining, the players opted for an ICM deal:
Pos 2 - David Testen €22,500
Pos 4 - Adrian Lovin Sorin €12,000
Pos 5 - Alessandro Morales €12,000
Pos 6 - Andrea Spinosi €13,300
Pos 8 - Giovanni Socci 20.000€
Pos 9 - Andrea Darduin 16.500€
The trophy and the biggest slice of the prizepool, therefore, go to the Day2 Chipleader, David Testen, who can rejoice at this important success.
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